UW leads the way in Alzheimer’s disease research

The UW crest behind some red and white tulips

Renowned experts Sanjay Asthana, MD, Amy Kind, MD, PhD, and Nathaniel Chin, MD, from the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) in the UW School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH), recently shared their insights in The UW Now livestream and Q&A session. Their participation provided a comprehensive overview of the UW’s Alzheimer’s disease (AD) research program, shedding light on current directions in AD research and much more. Watch the recording:

The UW Now livestream, hosted by Mike Knetter of the Wisconsin Foundation & Alumni Association (WFAA), was a special part of the commemoration of UW–Madison’s 175-year history of being a place where an idea can change the world.

175th Special Edition: Leading the Way on Alzheimer's Research” was published by the Wisconsin Alumni Association on YouTube on May 21, 2024.


Alzheimer’s HQ: Sanjay Asthana Describes UW Dementia Research on The UW Now Livestream” appeared on the Wisconsin Alumni Association website on May 13, 2024.

Addressing the Social Determinants of Alzheimer’s Disease: Amy Kind Joins The UW Now Livestream” appeared on the Wisconsin Alumni Association website on May 9, 2024.

Talking about Scary Things: Nate Chin Discusses Alzheimer’s on The UW Now Livestream” appeared on the Wisconsin Alumni Association website on May 13, 2024.

Make a gift to the UW Initiative to End Alzheimer’s (IEA).