Feed Your Mind: Cooking for Brain Health

graphic of food and woman cooking
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
UW Health at The American Center
4602 Eastpark Blvd
Madison, WI 53718

Join Alzheimer's disease, caregiver, and wellness experts for hands-on cooking inspired by the MIND diet for healthy brain aging. Participants will learn about science-backed dietary choices that can reduce their risk for Alzheimer’s disease. The class will prepare three brain-healthy recipes under the direction of a UW Health Center for Wellness dietitian. A UW Health Memory Clinic doctor will join the class to provide general information on maintaining and improving brain health and answer participant questions.

This class is sponsored by the UW Health Center for Wellness, Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, and the Alzheimer's Association South Central Wisconsin Chapter.

Cost: $30 for members of the public. Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center Clinical Core Study participants receive a $20 discount on this class when they use the code 20MIND.


View a PDF of the Feed Your Mind class information flyer.

View a PDF of the MIND diet recommendations.