Shining Light on Younger-Onset Dementia with Lorenzo’s House

Headshot of Diana Cose
Diana Cose
Headshot of Patti LeFleur
Patti LeFleur

Dementia diagnoses affect families in many different ways. One of the most challenging to navigate is that of younger-onset dementia (YOD), a form of dementia that affects someone below the age of 65. This diagnosis can be particularly jarring for young families, as resources, support and research for this form of dementia are limited. When Diana Cose’s husband Lorenzo received this diagnosis, she decided to change that by founding Lorenzo’s House, a nonprofit that supports families grappling with younger-onset dementia and works toward lessening the stigma surrounding it. Diana Cose joins the podcast with programs lead Patti LeFleur to share their experiences with younger-onset dementia and how Lorenzo’s House brings light in the darkness.

Guests: Diana Cose, founding executive director, Lorenzo’s House, and Patti LeFleur, youth and lighthouse outreach lead, Lorenzo’s House

Show Notes

Learn more about Lorenzo’s House and their free programs on their website.

Follow Lorenzo’s House on their Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn for updates and more information.

Learn about early-onset dementia, mentioned by Dr. Chin at 27:30, listen to our episode with Dr. Susanne Seeger, “Early-onset Alzheimer’s Disease: What to Know and What to Expect” on our website.

Learn more about the documentary on autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease, mentioned by Dr. Chin at 28:05, on CBS News’ website and watch the documentary on Paramount+.

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